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Always double verify your private investigator's license

Operating as a private investigator typically requires a license, and the criteria for obtaining this license can vary significantly by jurisdiction. In many areas, substantial prior experience is necessary. Pursuut streamlines this process during a custom intake process built for clients and private investigators who use our platform. This benefits all parties involved.

However, it's crucial to independently verify the license and experience of any private investigator you hire. Here are some useful links to license verification websites: 

Verify a private investigator license
*No license required by the state, but individual cities may still require one.

*Alaska private investigator license check
Arkansas private investigator license check (Must call state police licensing department)
*Colorado private investigator license check
*Idaho private investigator license check
*Mississippi  private investigator license check 
New Hampshire  private investigator license check
New Jersey private investigator license check
Pennsylvania private investigator license check
*Rhode Island private investigator license check
South Carolina private investigator license check
*South Dakota private investigator license check
Utah private investigator license check
*Wyoming private investigator license check
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